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Naturally Occurring Radioactive Waste Disposal (N.O.R.M.)

Uranium Thorium Nitrate Acetate disposal

Uranyl Acetate & Nitrate Disposal / Thorium Acetate & Nitrate Disposal

Uranium and Thorium Compound Waste Disposal

Uranium and Thorium Compounds (Usually labeled Uranyl Acetate, Uranyl Nitrate, Thorium Acetate, and Thorium Nitrate) also known as N.O.R.M. waste (Sometimes labeled as Oxidizers) are typically found in the academic environment used for demonstrations in such places as high school Chemistry labs and college laboratories, but have also turned up in the industrial setting. Many times, Th-232 and U-238 (Thorium 232 and Uranium 238) have been sitting in storage for many years leading those who discover the NORM waste also known as compounds to ask, "What do I do with Uranyl or Thorium Nitrate?" "Are there any companies that can dispose of my Uranyl Acetate and / or Thorium Nitrate?" ADCO Services is such a waste disposal company that has been serving customer's needs for Uranyl Acetate and Nitrate as well as Thorium Nitrate and Acetate disposal since 1965 and disposing of N.O.R.M. waste at various processing facilities holding radioactive materials licenses in The United States.



Uranium and Thorium compounds should not be left to sit as they can sometimes oxidize, lids can become loose, and contamination can be present on the outsides of the bottles or contaminate a workspace. Compounds such as Uranium and Thorium should be handled with care and ADCO Services' personnel is trained in the proper methods of disposing of U-238 and Th-232 wastes. Let ADCO Services prepare your paperwork and waste profiles and ship your Uranyl and/or Thorium compounds for disposal to a licensed radioactive processor today.

Radioctive Scrap Metal Disposal

Radioactive Scrap Metal Disposal

About ADCO's Radioactive Scrap Metal Disposal Program

Do you have scrap metal that has set off a gate monitor at a scrap yard leaving you wondering, "What do I do with my radioactive scrap metal?" ADCO Services is here to help. ADCO is able to have one of our fully trained contracted technicians monitor and dispose of all types of radioactive scrap metal as well as irradiated metals. 


Occasionally radioactive materials can unknowingly be sent out as scrap metal. There are several types of radioactive materials that can end up in scrap metal yards for recycling. An example is, some industrial devices contain a small quantity of safely enclosed radioactive material called a sealed source. Found or abandoned radioactive sources are called orphan sources where many times their markings and labelings have been removed, damaged, or are just no longer legible. Orphan sources do not have an owner and usually cannot be traced back to the original generator to make the original generator dispose of the source properly.


In the event that radioactive materials are disposed of improperly or sent for recycling as scrap metal, the radioactive material can end up at a facility that is not licensed to handle this sort of special waste or have the training to do so. To avoid a situation of unknowingly receiving radioactive materials, recycling and waste facilities often times have devices called portal monitors also called "Gate Monitors" that can detect radiation in batches of scrap metal and in many cases these "Gate Monitors" are so sensitive, they can even detect a very small amount of radioactive material in a large load of scrap metal forcing the scrap yard or waste collector to many times refuse the entire load or be forced into sorting through the load to find what is radioactive inside the load of scrap metal. 


Often times managers at scrap metal yards and disposal sites walk around a load using sensitive hand-held radiation scanning devices many times called Micro R Meters on loads to discover unwanted radioactive materials before they can cause widespread contamination throughout the entire scrap yard. In a few cases, radioactive materials have been unknowingly shredded, sent to mills, and melted. When that happens, all the metal from that load and the equipment used to handle the load of contaminated scrap was contaminated and could no longer be used and must be disposed of. Cleaning up a facility in an event such as that can cost millions of dollars.

Common Types of Radioactive Metal Disposed of From Scrap Yards:

  • Contaminated Piping

  • Contaminated Ductwork

  • Contaminated Scrap Metal

  • Filtering Systems Used to Filter Well Water

  • Irradiated Metals

  • Metal Parts and Machines Used in Oil Field Drilling

  • Orphan Sources / Sealed Sources

Common Isotopes Found Present On Contaminated Metal:

  • Radium Scale (Radium 226) (Ra-226)

  • Thorium (Thorium 232) (Th-232) - Usually appearing on Thorium Drilling Rods and Thoriated Tungsten.

  • Uranium Contaminated Metals (Uranium 238) (U-238)

Radioactive Scrap Metal Recycling

Common Types of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials Accepted for Disposal or Recycling at ADCO's Radioactive Waste Processing Facility Partner

N.O.R.M. Waste Disposal Offered By ADCO Services​​:

  • Chemistry Laboratory Demonstration Kit Disposal

  • Contaminated Piping / Drill Pipe Disposal

  • Depleted Uranium (U-Dep) Disposal

  • N.O.R.M. Waste Produced during Hydrofracking Disposal

  • N.O.R.M. Liquid Solution (Mixtures of Aqueous Liquids or Hazardous Liquids) Disposal

  • Oxidizer / Nitrate Disposal

  • Radioactive Ore Disposal

  • Scrap Metal Contaminated with N.O.R.M. (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material) Disposal

  • Uranyl Acetate Disposal

  • Uranyl  Nitrate Disposal

  • Thorium Acetate Disposal

  • Thorium Nitrate Disposal

  • Uranium Disposal

  • Yellow Cake Disposal

Thorium NItrate Disposal

Contact Us About Our Uranyl / Thorium Compound Disposal Service

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Toll Free Phone Number: 1-(877) 254-2326

Credit Cards Accepted For Waste Disposal Service

ADCO Services, Inc. is a Veteran Owned Small Business.

To pay your bill, please click the credit card logos below and complete our credit card authorization form and e-mail back to our office at the e-mail address listed on form. 

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