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Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Service Company

Radioactive Waste Disposal (Lab Trash) (LLRW) (DAW)

Call today to find out about ADCO's radioactive waste disposal program

ADCO Services, Inc. is one of the oldest radioactive waste brokers in The United States that is a full-service radioactive waste disposal company offering long-lived low-level radioactive waste also commonly referred to as DAW (Dry Active Waste) or LLRW brokerage services, transportation, and disposal at licensed radioactive waste processing facilities ADCO partners with across The United States. ADCO's radioactive waste brokerage disposal services are offered to a variety of industries in The United States such as: hospitals and medical institutions, educational and research institutions, private and government labs, and nuclear fuel cycle facilities who all generate LLRW (Low-Level Radioactive Waste) as part of their day-to-day exposure of working with radioactive materials.


ADCO is America's radioactive waste brokerage disposal company that organizes disposal of all types of DAW / LLRW through our licensed vendor's facilities we work closely with such as: Contaminated shoe covers and clothing, rags, mops, brooms, vacuum bags and sometimes the entire vacuum, filters, and reactor water treatment residues (sludge), equipment and tools; medical tubes, swabs, hypodermic syringes, and carcasses / tissues from laboratory animals, metal, ductwork, machinery, and even building debris where any one of these items has come into contact with a radioisotope(s).


Radioactive wastes having activity concentrations of .02 uCi / gram or ml or greater are considered to be radioactive in the eyes of the U.S.N.R.C. and must be managed as a radioactive waste. Wastes such as: scintillation fluids, bulk liquids, and animal carcasses / biological waste containing H-3 and C-14 with activities greater than .05 uCi / gram or ml must also be disposed of as a radioactive waste. ADCO Services' knowledgeable staff is able to assist you with the packaging requirements of your radioactive waste streams to assure that you are in full D.O.T. and N.R.C. compliance. Our staff is fully trained in the fields of packaging requirements for DAW (LLRW), paperwork preparation (NRC 540, 541, and 542 forms), and the methods of monitoring of packages containing radioactive waste.

ADCO Services Offers a Radioactive Waste Disposal Program That Accepts LLRW (DAW) in All Types of U.S.D.O.T. Approved Shipping Containers

Find out about our competitive prices for your radioactive contaminated lab trash

ADCO Services is a radioactive waste management company that will accept low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) for transit in any U.S.D.O.T. approved container; such as disposal of LLRW (DAW) in: B-25 bins, cardboard boxes, fiber drums, steel drums, and even super sacks utilizing ADCO's sister waste transportation company, ADCOM Express. ADCO Services does not require customers to segregate their radioactive waste into separate types such as: paper in one drum, plastic in another drum, and glass in another drum. ADCO Services simply asks that you segregate each of your drums by whether they are incinerable or non-incinerable.


ADCO Services can offer compaction-burial or no disposal volume waste treatment through combustion at one of our radioactive waste processing partners for your radioactive waste thus greatly reducing any future liabilities to you!

Low-Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW) Commonly Accepted for Disposal

ADCO can offer you site specific quotations based on your radioactive waste disposal needs

ADCO Services, Inc. is a Radioactive Waste Disposal Company That Will Accept the Following Types of Low-Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW) (DAW) for Disposal at Our Radioactive Waste Processing Facility Partner:


  • Absorbed Liquids

  • Animal Carcasses & Bedding / Tissue

  • Ash

  • Aqueous Liquids / Bulk Liquids

  • Compacted PPG (Paper, Plastic, Glass)

  • Contaminated Scrap Metal

  • Contaminated Soil

  • Ductwork

  • Irradiated Metals

  • Lab Equipment (Contaminated Lab Equipment or Equipment containing sources)

  • Lead Apron Disposal

  • Lead Shielding Disposal

  • Non-Incinerables (Metals, Debris, Radioactive Scrap Metal)

  • Plant Material (Leaves and Branches)

  • Radioactive Waste (Low-Level Trash)

  • Refractory Brick

  • Super compacted PPG (Paper, Plastic, Glass)

  • Un-compacted PPG (Paper, Plastic, Glass)

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Radioactive material handling and disposal

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ADCO Accepts All Major Credit Cards

Toll Free Phone Number: 1-(877) 254-2326

Credit Cards Accepted For Waste Disposal Service

ADCO Services, Inc. is a Veteran Owned Small Business.

To pay your bill, please click the credit card logos below and complete our credit card authorization form and e-mail back to our office at the e-mail address listed on form. 

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