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Smoke Detector Disposal / Fire Alarm Recycling Service

Radioactive Smoke Detector Disposal

Call Now To Discuss Our Low Price Options For Your Smoke Detector Disposal

Smoke Detector Disposal Service Offered By ADCO:


ADCO Services offers disposal brokerage services for radioactive smoke detectors which means your smoke detectors will be recycled in an environmentally safe and legal manner at a licensed radioactive waste processing facility partnered with ADCO Services.


Do you have smoke detectors, fire alarms, or fire pull switches containing radioactive material that you are wondering how to dispose of properly? Do you find yourself asking, "How am I supposed to dispose of a radioactive smoke detector?" Call ADCO Services to inquire out about our smoke detector recycling program we offer through one of our partnered radioactive waste processing facilities.


Typically smoke detectors contain Americium 241 (AM-241) or Radium 226 (RA-226) which is used to make the smoke detector function. This radioactive material inside the smoke detector means the smoke detector should never be thrown in the regular trash and should be recycled with a company such as ADCO Services where your smoke detector will be dismantled by a contracted licensed technician and the radioactive source inside the unit will be extracted and reclaimed in an environmentally friendly manner at a licensed radioactive waste processing facility.


ADCO Services makes it easy for homeowners, household hazardous waste collection facilities, commercial and governmental entities, or any property owner for that matter to properly dispose of their radioactive smoke detectors / alarms which may contain Americium or Radium by sending them for recycling to our partnered smoke detector disposal company under ADCO Services' radioactive smoke / fire alarm disposal service program. Our radioactive smoke detector disposal program also includes self luminous fire pull switches which may contain Tritium (H3).

Recyling of Radioactive Smoke Detectors

ADCO Offers Bulk Pricing Options For Large Quantities Of Smoke Detectors

Consider The Main Reason You Should Recycle Your Smoke Alarms / Detectors And Fire Pull Switches:


  • The majority of smoke alarms contain a small radioactive source (Americium 241 or Radium 226).  Smoke detectors of this nature will need to be properly disposed in a specially designed landfill for radioactive materials – not a solid waste landfill designed for residential and non-hazardous waste refuse.

  • The proper disposal of your radioactive smoke detectors may be required by your state. Let ADCO Services assist you with the proper disposal of your smoke detectors, fire alarms, and fire pull switches to help you avoid any potential violations with a regulatory agency.

  • Some fire pull switches may be glazed with Tritium (H3) to allow the switch to glow in the dark in case of power failure. If your switch contains Tritium (3-H), it should never be thrown in the regular trash! The self luminous feature to these switches is a radioactive paint which needs to be properly disposed of with a radioactive processing facility.

How Often Should I Recycle My Smoke Alarm

Find Out About Our Affordable Smoke Detector Disposal Options

Steady Replacement of Smoke Alarms Requires Diversion from Solid Waste Landfills. 


The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends replacement of all smoke alarms, including alarms that use 10-year batteries and hard-wired alarms, when they are 10 years old or newer if they do not respond properly when tested.  Further the NFPA advises when moving into a new home, replace the alarms if you do not know how old the alarms are. 

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Toll Free Phone Number: 1-(877) 254-2326

Credit Cards Accepted For Waste Disposal Service

ADCO Services, Inc. is a Veteran Owned Small Business.

To pay your bill, please click the credit card logos below and complete our credit card authorization form and e-mail back to our office at the e-mail address listed on form. 

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