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Disposal Service for Fluorescent Bulbs, Ballasts, Batteries, and Mercury

Fluorescent Bulb, Ballast, Battery E-Waste, and Thermostat Disposal / Recycling Service

ADCO Services offers the optimum disposal solution for facilities nationwide for recycling their fluorescent tubes, bulbs, CFLs, ballasts, and E-Wastes.


E-Waste Disposal Options ADCO Can Offer You:


  • Recycling of fluorescent lamps, batteries, ballasts, thermostats, and/or electronics (E-Waste) such as old computer monitors, CRT tubes, crushed Leaded glass disposal, circuit board recycling, tube disposal, and much more!

  • One price includes everything you need: the container, shipping to the recycling center, recycling fees, and Certificates of Recycling.

  • Save time by ordering products and tracking shipments online or by phone. Minimize storage â€“ when it’s full, ship it, it’s pre-paid.

  • Simplify paperwork â€“ no complicated, expensive manifests.

  • Easy to follow instructions, complete with illustrations printed on the box in English and Spanish. No-hassle pickups with FedEx Ground transportation if you choose our mail in option.

  • Online Certificates of Recycling document your organization’s recycling compliance history.

Flouorescent Bulb, Ballast, Battery, and Thermostat Disposal Mail In Program

About Our Lamp Recycling and E-Waste Mail In Program: 


If you choose ADCO's mail in program for your bulb, ballast, or thermostat disposal

ADCO will provide you with UN tested and approved.  


Safe for storage and transport which can consist of the following: 


1.       ADCO EasyPak Electronics Recycling Container can safely hold and ship

up to 69 pounds of electronic waste (E-Waste).


2.       4' ADCO EasyPak Lamp Recycling Box. Holds 32 X T12 or 64 X T8 4ft straight fluorescent lamps. ADCO can also offer boxes which holds U-tubes and HID lamps.


3.       8' ADCO EasyPak Lamp Recycling Box. Holds 15 X T12 or

30 X T8 8ft straight fluorescent lamps.


4.       ADCO EasyPak Compact Fluorescent Recycling Bucket (CFLs).

Holds up to 90 compact fluorescent lamps, HIDs and/or circulars (up to 55 lbs).


5.       EasyPak Ballast Recycling Container. Holds up to 55 lbs. of TSCA exempt,

non-PCB lamp ballasts.


6.       ADCO EasyPak Battery Recycling Container. Holds up to 55 lbs. of dry cell

batteries. Various types of dry cell batteries include: Alkaline, Nickel, Cadmium, Nickel Metal Hydride, Iron, Zinc Carbon, and Silver, as well as AA, AAA, C, D, and 9-volt.


7.       ADCO EasyPak Thermostat Recycling Bucket. Holds up to 13 lbs of of Mercury containing thermostats.


Here’s how our E-Waste Mail In Program Works:


1. Order as many containers as you need for your facility.  The more you buy, 

the more you save!


2. The ADCO EasyPakâ„¢ containers will be shipped to you with a return

 shipping label and instructions.


3. Once the container is full, tape the box closed or seal the lid on the bucket, 

fill out the supplied shipping label with your facility’s name and address.


4. Ship the container via FedEx Ground to the recycling facility for processing.

ADCO Services Offers Certificates of Recycling / Disposal To Keep You In Compliance

ADCO Keeps You in Compliance With Your E-Waste Disposal Needs


Once your bulbs, ballasts, batteries, E-Waste, or thermostats have been received at our recycling processing facility you will be issued a Certificate of Recycling to keep for your records. This Certificate of Recycling / Disposal will prove your company disposed of your electronic type waste in accordance with local, state, or federal law and will prove your company is in compliance with regulations under the USEPA.


You should keep any certificates of disposal for at least 7 years as you would keep any other record in your business to prove you disposed of your bulbs or ballasts properly.

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Fluorescent Bulb Disposal Offered In The Following Areas:

ADCO Accepts All Major Credit Cards

Toll Free Phone Number: 1-(877) 254-2326

Credit Cards Accepted For Waste Disposal Service

ADCO Services, Inc. is a Veteran Owned Small Business.

To pay your bill, please click the credit card logos below and complete our credit card authorization form and e-mail back to our office at the e-mail address listed on form. 

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